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Maybe being on the tail end of the experience ain't so bad...

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Phew I love this comic and the various queer characters in it ❤️❤️


Get well soon

pj wolf

I see what you did there with the subtitle. Also looks like Red's about to pop!

Zeniya Starr

The pleasure and joy transfers through a rather sexy connection.


So glad I subbed, love tuning in each week! Hope you feel better soon, good luck!

Willow Shepherd

Get well soon!! I'm so glad I subbed to your Patreon, seeing the doodles and pages gives me little sparks of joy during my weeks <3

The Phantom of the Foxera

I love this story and also the sex, the art is also absolutely amazing hella worth the sub, coming in to read this comic is always a highlight!


Like it’s got a mind of its own! 😆☺️