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  • EXCLUSIVE_F4A_You_Ar... - audiogram.mp4
  • EXCLUSIVE_F4A_You_Ar... - audiogram.mp4
  • EXCLUSIVE_F4A_You_Ar... - audiogram.mp4



When you and your partner are getting ready to head out for a special event, you get in your head about not being good enough and start crying. Your partner finds you and comforts you. <3

Script by u/itcomesfromthedeep

Body Mentions

The listener has hair!



Angus Beaumont (AJBeaumont)

I was really looking forward to this one and it did not disappoint. Great pick Blue and applause to Itcomesfeomthedeep 💙

Just some Fish

"...you get in your head about not being good enough..." Okay, as someone who is nigh-perpetually stuck in my own head, I thank you well before I even listen.💙

Just some Fish

As a generally single fellow who has trouble with "why" someone might find me attractive, thanks, really nice piece Blue :)