Blue Health Update #1 (Patreon)
I'm seeing a specialist on Monday!! I was recommended to be scoped (they put this gross tube down your nose and into your throat to see how your vocal mechanism is doing) due to potential vocal damage.
Should my vocal health prevent me from recording this month's exclusives, I will do everything in my power to record them next month. There is a strong possibility that I may need to temporarily close customs and offer an alternative benefit to my free customs tiers like Sky Blue, Sapphire, and Celestial, such as access to the Lewd Locker or another temporary benefit that you and I can work out together that doesn't involve me using my voice.
I'll be brainstorming some ideas as I find out what's going on with my voice and how long I may potentially be on vocal rest.
My voice is still very weak and I still experience great pain when speaking. I'll let you know exactly what the doctor says after Monday's visit!!
Here's hoping there's nothing, but I wanted to keep you guys updated!! Thank you so much for being so lovely and supportive while I figure out what's going on.