November Content = October Content! (Patreon)
I'm almost there, y'all! My speech therapist has me working on humming exercises and just generally getting my voice to a better place. My current victory: I sang for two minutes today before cracking!! And did tons of hmmm hmmm hmmm-ing.
I'm hoping to release the 3 exclusives I had planned for October during November. My goal this month when I (very, very slowly) get back in the swing of things is to:
My Minimum Goals for November:
- try to post all three exclusives (the Vampire, Cabaret Pt 2, and Elf exclusives)
- post at least once on Reddit (possibly a short self-script fill?!)
- begin (very, very slowly, thank you for your continued patience!!) working on commissions that were already in the queue
I still have no definitive timelines because my voice is still on the mend, but these are my goals! I am going to try to get them done by the end of November. Hopefully, with the help of my speech therapist (Have you ever asked a whole ass medical professional to help you moan more healthily? It's a super awkward conversation.), I'll be able to do even more than these bare-minimum goals.
I'm delighted that y'all are enjoying the--ah--alternative content I've been putting out in lieu of audios in the meantime, hehehe. It's been fun digging out my favorite lingerie and costumes and giving you guys a lil peek. :P
Watch out for another spicy lewd pics post this week, muahahaha. Hint: 😻