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I'm gonna try the month wrap-up post thing, don't know if I'll do it again next month or not. 🤔 Maybe.

What's Blue up to these days?
Recording like crazy, I've recently started doing some very short sfw scripts to warm up my voice and practice different character voices. I've been posting the good ones here on Patreon and tossing the bad ones, haha!! (Me being the bad part, not the scripts, they're gorgeous.) Might do more of that in the future.

I'm slowing down in my dating life which has been very nice. First dates are nerve wracking!! No more first dates for me for a while. Just relaxing and spending time with all my partners. Gotten a weird amount of anti-poly hate from strangers lately?! Some people get very mad when you hold two people's hands in public for some reason. Ma'am, I am not bothering you... don't bother me!! C'est la vie. Most people just stare in abject confusion. 🤣

Went to a couple of birthday parties and weddings. One of my best friends got married!! I'm so happy for her and her wife. 😭😭😭 They're so perfect for each other and the ceremony was sooooooo beautiful!!

Therapy is going really well. I had an extra bad week this last week, mental health-wise. (I am okay now!!) I'm getting really, really good at recognizing what's happening and not letting it freak me out. Victory!! I am lovingly smashing PTSD in the face with a brick of self-love. :)

What's the news in terms of audio?
It's going very well! First Reddit audio of next month will be a scripted audio from one of our very own writers from the Blue-berry crew!! Excited to share it with you guys.

I didn't manage to finish all the SCP stuff yet, but I really like the way SCP-49 turned out. Creating the effects for the creature's voice was so fucking fun. I think I spent a good 5 hours editing that audio just creating all the different effects. 🤪 I thought all my hair would fall out by the end, but it's still there, for now. There's two more SCP audios to go!

I had to push one of the improv audios y'all picked for Reddit to March, so that'll be in the mix.

We made it past 500 patrons!!! Custom Discord emojis have already been released, and custom Patreon art will be done by May. I know it's a long time, but truuuust me, this person's work was worth the wait!! When you see it, you'll understand exactly what I mean. They're absolutely amazing!!

Alsooooo since we passed 500 patrons there will be a bonus audio next month! Poll for what you guys would like to hear will go out the first week of March once I've gathered all my brain cells into a neat little pile again. 🤪

Random Trivia
What is Blue listening to these days?
Copious quantities of Fleetwood Mac and Thriving Ivory. I learned for the first time last week that the lead singer of Thriving Ivory is a man?!?!?!?!

How is your DnD campaign going?
Omg I'm so glad you asked, it's going so freaking well. I love being a DM. My players are about to fight the BBEG in a final, viscous battle, so wish them luck!! I can't say anymore because a couple of them are patrons and I don't wanna spoil anything 🤣🤣🤣

Blue's question for you this month:
What is your favorite thing about yourself? 💙 🤔




I never realized that you were polyamorous, that makes me really happy to know that there are other people out in the world like me living the life that makes them happy


Didn't talk about it for a while because some people can be very weird about it as you probably know, but I finally decided fuck it 🤣


Yeah I used to only limit myself to one partner because the people around me always said that's how it should be but now I look back and feel so full filled knowing that there are multiple people in my life to support me


Read a good quote the other day that said: "Be kind and mind your business, but be yourself. I promise the world will adjust." At the end of the day, we should do what makes us happy if it's not hurting us or others.


May your players roll nat 20's in the most bad-ass moments possible! :)


Blue, you're an Angel!!! We all support you 💯 in everything you do. I do, Anyways... Now to answer your question, if you're interested in knowing... I think my favorite thing about myself is that I am able to teach myself to do multiple things. From learning how to play the drums by ear to learning Martial Arts from the ground up. ☺️


Im glad you are having so much fun. Many people dont get to enjoy what they do for a living. To answer your question.. i think my favorite thing about myself is that I'm a relatively quick learner... So long as i can visualize what im doing.

Just some Fish

Your social life sounds amazing. My favourite thing about myself is. Um. I'm really good at trivia quizzes. I guess.

Just some Fish

Honestly, it's that Cleopatra lived closer in time to the moon landing than the construction of the pyramids. Egypt is really old.


Your typographical error about the final BBEG battle gave me an idea for nice viscous dungeon :-) Thanks! Favourite thing about myself: I had really good relative pitch as a child. I still have it, but I don't have the time to play music as much as I'd like to.