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Blue's Notes: Just in case you missed my announcement, READ HERE for the reason why this audio was changed from the scheduled audio to this.

I always go way too hard on my fantasy audios, hahaha, so there is a translation guide to the occasional Sindarin words I slip in at the end of this post. (If you're not a complete nerd like me, Sindarin is the language Tolkien's elves speak.)


Stop right there!! Were you really just going to go gallivanting off on your adventures without getting my blessing?!

What?! Foolish mortal. How could you think I wouldn't give it to you? You, who I have grown up alongside and hunted with since we were children! You are the most wonderfully humble and infuriating man. Now hush, and bed me here on the forest floor so that I may bless your quest and grant you the goddess's protection.

Such eagerness! It shall be rewarded. Kneel before me... And later I shall do the same.


Afad- hi adan edain bo hon lend. Beri- hon. Cheb- hon o roeg. I polod -o i glad a hon edhel edhil nos afad- hon a tir- nia hon.

Follow this man on his journey. Protect him. Keep him from evil. Let the strength of the forest and his elven kin follow him and watch over him.

Aenil - goddess

Fir - mortal

Firen - human


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