Pushing some Script Fill September fills to October!! (Patreon)
Being gone for a week really threw me off and traveling has been rough on my body, so I know I can't give my best possible performance of all four remaining scripts in the next four days.
Today was the cherry on top, realizing I was so tired and worn out that I had actually forgotten to press "publish" on Sunday's Reddit post even though it was all written and prepared!! (I will post it today instead, haha!)
Instead, I'll be focusing on resting my body and recording the final Patreon audio for the month for Peacock and above folks: My Free Use Bestie Can't Be This Cute!
The Tomboy Bestie Takes A Swing script fill will most likely be posted in the first couple of days of October! Cornflower folks, I hope you enjoyed the hot elf audio I shared with y'all as a replacement this month! 😋
Thanks for your patience, and please enjoy today's accidentally belated Reddit audio, hehe!! (Which also happens to feature a hot elf...!! 👀)