November Patreon Audio Voting #1! (Patreon)
Hey guys!! I'm still on bedrest from COVID and having a 0/10 time with that, haha. But!! Scheming and plotting new audios always cheers me up a bit. This month's long-promised, long-awaited theme is sequels!!
I often get asked if I'll make a sequel for one audio or another (it's actually one of my most common comments?!) but there's always so much exciting new content to make that there never seems to be time. So, November on Patreon will be entirely dedicated to giving you guys the sequels you've been asking for!
I've included some of my most commonly-requested audios for sequels, as well as an "other" option to submit your own suggestions. Please note that unless me or iamthejackkeaton wrote the script, I cannot make a sequel from it! (It's not my story to add to. 💙)
Link to my AUDIO LIBRARY just in case you need a refresher on any of these audios before voting!