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Hey guys! I swear I have not forgotten the poll (now closed) that I put out a couple of months ago to ask what improvements you guys would suggest for this page, haha! Here are the results!!

Here were your answers:

1. What do you think of the Patreon page as is?

Most of you said the page was perfect as it currently is! A few of you said you had 1-2 suggestions but otherwise loved it. 

One person said that my Patreon page is "the singular source of the majority of their life's suffering". Whoever you are, dear friend, my deepest apologies, haha?!! You made me laugh really hard so thank you.

2. What changes or additions would you like to see?

In this section, I named several possible options that you guys selected from, including more live events, more SFW content, more binaural content, more series, shorter audios, more collabs, and adding haptic files. Here are the top results, broken down!

27.43% of you asked for more series.

22.12% of you asked for more binaural content, saying you would be okay with one of the monthly Patreon audios being binaural each month.

14.16% of you asked for more SFW content, saying you would be okay with one of the monthly Patreon audios being binaural each month.

11.5% of you asked for more short audios (15min and below).

11.5% of you asked for more collabs!

3. If you have a suggestion I didn't include, please feel free to write it here!

In this section, I gave y'all free reign to tell me your other suggestions. Nearly every single suggestion here requested more SFW content focused on comfort, intimacy, and making the listener feel safe and cared for. 

This lines up with what many of you have told me: that many of you listen to my audios to help you relax or fall asleep, and that the sex part is fun but not always as important. I definitely want to keep this in mind as I plan out audios for December and 2023! I'll be planning some more SFW content to share and that may become a monthly thing!

What do you think of these results? Were they what you expected? Do you have anything you would like to add if you missed the poll? Let me know here!


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