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Hello my sweet blueberries!! I've written two versions of this post, so that you can decide how much information you want to read! 

If you just want to know about the new Cyan audio, you can read just the first announcement to get those details! I absolutely support and respect my folks who are just here to enjoy some quality audios and escape life's troubles for a while!! 

If you want to know a little bit more about me, you can read the second announcement which is a little more personal. (Please mind the content warnings!) 

Just the Facts Version

Due to being literally unable to record until Sunday due to Some Deeply Unexpected Circumstances, I will be releasing the cheerleader audio next month instead! Most likely to Reddit so that everyone can enjoy!

I will instead be releasing part 1 of a secret project I've been working on this month. It's SFW, but the sequel will be NSFW. I think it's going to be a very beautiful story, and it has a script by u/iamthejackkeaton so you know it's gonna be good!! For my elf-loving listeners, this one will be  a treat!!

I'll be posting the replacement audio tomorrow morning!

Long, Long Version

CW: animal illness, messy breakups, chronic pain, housing struggles

If you're on my Discord you've probably already heard some of this stuff, but I wanted to share with you some things that have been a struggle this past few months because I know you guys care about me and like to hear updates on my life sometimes!

Many of you know that I struggle with chronic pain due to injuries I sustained when I was younger. A huge support for that have been my partner who I live with, and my dog Peanut. Peanut is trained to help recognize when I am in pain or about to be, and to comfort and encourage me to access my pain meds and give what's called pressure therapy (lying on top of me to prevent panic attacks/assist with anxiety pain). Peanut was recently diagnosed with cancer and has been going to chemotherapy. She is doing so much better!! She's been in chemo for a few weeks now and the oncologist is already saying she's extremely likely to go into full, extended remission.

In the midst of this, my partner of nearly ten years and I recently made the decision to split up due to some major differences about a month ago. It's been incredibly painful but most of the time we are still very close friends with each other. We had to wait until our lease together ended to find separate places to live, which I am now going to this week. I'm moving fairly far from where we used to live together, so it's been a long effort to move everything. I am hoping to have it all done by Sept 9. I cannot physically enter my new space until Friday.

As me moving out has become more real, my ex has become a bit more hostile. (I am the one who ended things, and this has made things quite awkward.) I am not in any danger, but the environment in my house has become extremely emotionally tense, which has made it incredibly difficult to record and be creative. I have tried to help alleviate some of this stress by going to stay with my other partners, family, and friends as often as I can. (This is part of what caused me to get stuck in the hurricane on the west coast for bit!! My flight out of a layover port got major delays.)

Unfortunately, the stress and having less access to things that help (my normal home environment, Peanut, my partner's assistance) has made my pain flare up a lot and made things pretty difficult. I'm adjusting fast and figuring out new ways to handle things independently! I'll be back to normal in no time flat.

I always want to give you guys my best, and I think with the audios and commissions I've posted this month I've managed to do that, but every time I sat down to make the Cheerleaders audio for Cyan this month this past week, it's come out sounding bad and tense. You guys deserve better.

So instead, I will be releasing part 1 of a secret project I've been working on this month that I'm very proud of!! It's SFW, but the sequel will be NSFW. I think it's going to be a very beautiful story, and it has a script by u/iamthejackkeaton so you know it's gonna be good!! For my elf-loving listeners, this one will be  a treat!!

I know life is way more important that audio porn, and you guys always do such a great job of reminding me of that while I've had my various struggles over the years. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such compassionate people listening to me and supporting me, who trust me to always deliver something good even if it isn't perfectly on time when life happens. But I really do get a major boost of joy every time I'm able to deliver a new fun, comforting, or just plain sexy new audio to you guys. And it makes me really happy that I get to keep doing that. You guys deserve the world.

I'm relocating currently to a friend's house tonight after a really tense argument with my ex. I'm going to post the audio, feel really happy I did, and then get a bunch of sleep and remind myself bad times are never forever. I like to go back to this Bob Ross quote when I have months like this, maybe it'll help someone else reading this who's feeling the struggle. I've been repeating it to myself a lot.

I'm waiting on the good times now. They'll come!!


Vasili Glushkov

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, take your time and I appreciate the honesty.


I hope things get better for you Blue. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

Alfred... Yes, Just Like Batman's Butler

That's rough, buddy. In all seriousness, though, im sorry things have been rough. Often enough, it seems like crap falls downhill like dominoes. All we can do sometimes is wait for the storm to pass and dust ourselves off. But you have people who have faith in you and care about you. No matter what happens, your listeners, will always support you in your decisions. If that includes taking time off, then we will welcome you with open arms when you return! All in all, as much as you take care of us, take care of yourself first. You got this. 👍


Much love to you, Blue <3 and very happy that Peanut's treatment is going well. I'm very looking forward to when all your stress and life situations subside more and make way for gooder and happier times


Much love Blue, wishing you the very best :)


Sending support and hugs, Blue! Here’s to better times coming soon! All the best! :3


Thank you for being willing to share everything with us. I’m really sorry about your dog, though I’m glad she’s doing so much better. I’m really sorry with everything that’s been going on with your living environment. I’m really happy to hear that you’re so confident that you’ll be back to normal quickly. Take all the time you need, nothing wrong with holding off on the release if you’re not happy with the outcome. I’m excited to hear this secret project you’ve been working on. I’m glad that we’re able to support you so well, and that you get such joy out of what you do. I’m really happy that, even through all this, you’re able to keep your head up. As someone going through some rough things right now, reading that quote does kinda help, so thank you for that. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do to help. Take care of yourself


Sending you lots of love and strength, Blue. Take all the time you need to get through this. We're here for you, not just for the audios. So glad to hear Peanut's doing better. Looking forward to the new project when you're ready. 🌟

Just some Fish

Et hem. Your attention please. BIG BLUE HUGS! That is all. Hopefully it made you chuckle a bit, laughter is good for you. :)

Video_Game _Royal

Don't sweat it Blue. We'll be here when you settle back in, in the mean time take care of yourself and keep that stress and pain as low as possible. If you build it, they will come and seeing as you haven't torn it down yet then we're not going anywhere


Sorry to hear you’re going through a bad situation hope it gets better soon 🫂

Cole Blackblood

I hope things continue to improve for you soon, Blue. You are a wonderful VA, and we are all more than happy to wait. *offering hugs if okay, a friendly wave if not*


That’s a lot, Blue… quite apart from porn, I’m holding you, and Peanut, in my heart. Do what you need to do for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


That's a lot for anyone to handle, Dearest Blue. You are a wonderful person, and an incredible artist. Please know, as others have said and I will repeat, that YOU. COME. FIRST. I can't or won't speak for anyone else but I know that mental stress is difficult at the very best of times nevermind when it's coupled with physical pain. Please take whatever time you need to take care of you. In the interim, I'll keep you, Peanut, and your extended family in my thoughts for healing. 💙💚

Dave Gerbitz

Blue, your optimism is a big shining light in (I have no doubts) many peoples lives. I sincerely hope for the best for you. Good people (like you) deserve good outcomes. Take care of yourself!


As Count Rugen from "The Princess Bride" says, "Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." Referenced not in jest, but rather... laughter truly can be the best medicine. And as you mentioned, with time - this, too, shall pass. Thoughts, wishes, and prayers throughout, though, for only Care Bears and rainbows (Minions are optional) to occupy the trying times.

Angus Beaumont (AJBeaumont) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-07-17 23:51:42 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️
2024-04-20 17:16:03 Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️

Sending all my love to you. Take all the time you need to get yourself sorted with anything. We’re more then happy to wait for you❤️


Your health and mental state are always going to be a priority, and I don't think anyone here would suggest otherwise. And I also don't think anyone would begrudge you a little time to look after yourself and Peanut. Be well, be happy, and if there's any way that I can help, then I'm a message away. Take care, hon. T xx