Status Update (Patreon)
Went silent for a couple of days here (but not on Discord), focusing on fixing bugs for the Stable build and on the 4th step of the Mouse route, that comes right after the final phase/battle/ending!
It's a pretty complex scene, I'll need a couple more days, but will keep the second half of it locked in Beta too, since it will lead to the final phase, and I don't want that to be accessible before we're ready to reach the ending! It felt good having Mouse Princess act as a Princess would towards one of her subjects, I hope you'll enjoy the full Route (which now I realize already has like 15 events🐭, heh). I don't feel guilty giving Mouse all this attention, many events are focused on her sisters, and with a single Route we obtained more than 10 fleshed-out characters, that I'm sure you'll love enough to be asking for more 💗
After this hard work is done, I'll be able to go back to designing Toy Reign areas and mechanics, that's like a treat I keep myself from having while I have stuffy work to do!
Anyway, expect the new Stable build around the end of this week, give or take a couple of days, there's a lot new for our Insect Tier friends and everyone on Steam.
Here are some sketches for these troubling times, see you soon!