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Last days on TASBOT, here's the results (hyyyype)

Base Stats

  • HP 200
  • MP 25
  • ATK 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Bee/Cat/Dog form)
  • DEF 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Mouse/Rabbit form)
  • MAT 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Bee form)
  • MDF 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Rabbit form)
  • AGI 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Cat/Dog/Mouse form)
  • LUK 50 (100 in Gattai form) (75 in Mouse/Rabbit form)


  • New Skill: "GATTAI !!!"

The Switch Form Ability explains all you need to know about TASBOT! At least for now!

  • Ability: "Switch Form"

You can freely cycle between TASBOT forms, they'll change and equip their special weapons as soon as you do so! Those weapons are part of that TASBOT form, so you have to consider them too when choosing which one to use!

Bee -> "YELLOW STING", Lance

Cat -> "PINK PAW", Fist

Dog -> "DARK EDGE", Axe

Mouse -> "BLUE ZWEI", Sword (Big)

Rabbit -> "RED CLUB", Hammer (Big)

GATTAI!!! -> "Galaxy Sword", Ultra Sword (Huge), +300 ATK, depletes the GATTAI!!! Form energy for the rest of the day!

The costumes will be coming soon! TASBOT walks around the Tavern and Campsite in her Gattai!!! Form, regardless of having her energy depleted. Make the best of it!

All you need to know about Additional NPCs is HERE!



Zero the Cipher

They will be a permanent member of my party