new policy (Patreon)
Guys we have a new policy. sorry for this in advance, but otherwise we see no way out. all new updates for the game will be released only for paid subscribers, starting from 3$. old updates will be released for everyone.
Let me explain the scheme! for example we released update 0.1. it will be only for paid subscribers, then we release update 0.2. and now update 0.1 becomes generally available, and update 0.2 only for paid subscribers.
I hope you understand that our income has dropped a lot, we live on the money we get from patreon. there are 2 of us in the family. yes we don't release updates so often lately. but there are a lot of good reasons for that. we will try for you every day! and we hope for your understanding. thank you very much for your attention. love you all! good luck!