2023/12, Daz, Faceless Black Rubber Drone TF + extra (11pics) (Patreon)
These are two pieces I impulsively threw onto Twitter.
'Which do you prefer? Getting modified in a single-pod , or in a colony pool!?'
I put it to a vote, and the pool won, so the next picture is a bonus based on that result.
Next, the boxed-in pattern. Do you like the idea of transforming into a muscular, goo black rubber drone in a confined space by fuck?
This depicts a scene where everyone seems to be getting along nicely.
Imagine a society where drone and friends stride around as handy helper tools.
People who've done bad things or volunteered are secretly abducted, get all gooey, and turn into drones.
The general public doesn't know these drones were once human.
I thought they might cover their bits in public spaces, but then again,
it could be interestingly apocalyptic if everyone just sees them as tools and doesn't bat an eye at exposed genitals. =3