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Tier 3:
comment here with the pic you want me to sketch for you~

- link/image of character

- view of headshot/ excample of expression if needed

Tier 4:

comment here with the pic you want me to sketch for you~

- 2 characters max

- BG can be added

- SFW or NSFW toppic



Milly Delusory : https://www.deviantart.com/mawcarby/art/Pokemon-of-Avalon-App-Milly-Delusory-the-Return-676692553 I wanted she smiles.


well it should be around valentines so flara in a reverse bunny suit trying to woo elisa :3 . if its hard to find, a reverse bunny suit is the arms and legs and the ears but no front covering. im sure youll find a reference >>