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  • The Oblique Road (Night Grid).mp4
  • The Oblique Road (Day Grid).mp4



It is said that this road is infected with groups of goblins, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush, and rob those who pass through it.  You've been warned. 


Epic Quest - Oblique Road - Animated maps for role-playing and tabletop miniature games. D&D

https://patreon.com/epicquest It is said that this road is infected with groups of goblins, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush, and rob those who pass through it. You've been warned. ★★★ Epic Quest Battlemaps, highly detailed animated maps for roleplaying and tabletop miniature games. Day, night, grid and gridless versions. Visual FX like rain, snow, fog, etc. Sound effects and/or music to give you an immersive gaming experience. Become my patron and get instant access to all my maps, and get new maps every month. Music by: The Epic Orchestra


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