Modular VTT Dungeons (Epic Master) (Patreon)
Greetings to all!
We have officially reached our second goal, and for that I am very excited and grateful, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This means that I am already working on the Mega Dungeon as promised.
Some patrons have been asking me to make dungeons with the art style of Heroquest , so here it is, and since playing online is the reality that many of us are living in these times, I decided to make content for VTTs like Roll20, Foundry or Fantasy Grounds. I am currently using Roll20, so if you are using other platforms please let me know if the content needs additional adjustments. Also know that I am working on animated versions for this style and will be included soon.
Please consider this new style as a "Beta Test Version", it is a content that will improve and become a much bigger project, and if you like it, we can even make the Mega Dungeon this way. This is why I'll be posting a poll, to know what do you think about that.
Do you like this art style for the Mega Dungeon?
A post with a Poll will be posted soon.
Thank you so much for your support.
Here is a link to all the maps related to this post.
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