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Hi everyone!

This is a short teaser of the Mega Dungeon, showing one of the deadly traps your adventurers will face in their journey through this evil place.

First level will be available real soon!

Thanks for your support.

Btw, It will really help the goblins and gnomes of the YouTube "algorithm" if you like and subscribe my videos. XD

I'll appreciate it very much. :)




Mega Dungeon Teaser | Epic Quest | Animated maps for roleplaying | tabletop miniature games | D&D

https://patreon.com/epicquest I'm really exited to announce that the first level of The Mega Dungeon will be released this month. This Mega Map-pack will have more than 200 maps of a 10 levels deep Dungeon. The first level will contain 20 (or more) animated maps, already arranged and ready to play. Support this project at: https://patreon.com/epicquest Visit us at: https://www.epicquestbattlemaps.com ★★★ Epic Quest Battlemaps, highly detailed animated maps for roleplaying and tabletop miniature games. Day, night, grid and gridless versions. Visual FX like rain, snow, fog, etc. Sound effects and/or music to give you an immersive gaming experience.Become my patron and get instant access to all my maps, and get new maps every month.


Cheezman Dan

This looks amazing and I can't wait to use it on my players. I'm curious if others have found a good way to use the trap animations in Foundry effectively? I've tried bringing in the maps as tiles, but it really bogs down the server to have multiple animated maps on top of each other.

C Mero
