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When you look at the sky at night, ...what do you see? What do you feel? That unknown infinite place, perhaps created by the gods, makes you feel ...small? intrigued? ...or maybe, it makes you feel at home.

Hi everyone!
This month we are moving to Wildspace, with these 10 animated and static maps inspired by the WOC, Spelljammer, "Adventures in Space". It wil be available next month and I really think it will be awesome.
In this upload the sky is not the limit, it is only the beginning of a whole universe of adventures.
Special thanks to Todd Sullivan for the request.

Thanks to all of you guys, for your trust and support!




Spelljammer Wildspace Maps | Epic Quest | Animated battlemaps for RPG and tabletop games | D&D

https://patreon.com/epicquest Take your adventures to Wildspace with these 10 animated and static maps inspired by the WOC, Spelljammer, Adventures in Space. Available August 16 https://www.dndbeyond.com ★★★ Epic Quest Battlemaps, highly detailed animated maps for roleplaying and tabletop miniature games. Day, night, grid and gridless versions. Visual FX like rain, snow, fog, etc. Sound effects and/or music to give you an immersive gaming experience. Become my patron and get instant access to all my maps, and get new maps every month.



I signed up for Patreon specifically for this. I'm so excited to try them out!

Jack Neller

These would work great for Starfinder too. Thanks.