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Hello friends!
As we can see, Outdoors Maps were the most requested theme for this month's content. Considering this and reading the poll comments and DM messages, I observed many requests for desert maps such as ruins, an oasis, village, markets, pyramids, etc. So we are moving from the freezing temperatures of the north to the scorching desert.

Spelljammer came in second place (very close), so we will conduct another poll to determine the details for that content soon. 

Thanks to all the people who participated in this survey.

See you soon in the desert.



Teaser February 2023 | Epic Quest | Animated maps / battlemaps for tabletop roleplaying games | D&D

https://patreon.com/epicquest We are moving from the freezing temperatures of the north to the scorching desert. Coming soon. Thank you for your support! ★ Become my patron, get instant access to all my maps, and get new maps every month. You will find an ever-growing collection of my highly detailed animated + static maps for roleplaying and tabletop miniature games + other content, including Scenery artwork, Fly-through videos, sound effects, and music to give you an immersive gaming experience. You can use these maps with your TV as a gaming table or VTT online.