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Part 1 of 2
Interiors coming soon.
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The Stellar Sylvan | Spelljammer | Animated maps | Battlemaps for tabletop roleplaying games | D&D

The Stellar Sylvan: Part 1 of 2 In the whispered tales that meander through the starlit realms, there exists a ship not of steel and fire, but of bark and leaf, of ancient wood and older magic. They call her The Stellar Sylvan. She is both a legend and a leaf on the wind, a vessel born from the earth yet destined for the stars. Part 2 with the interiors coming soon. Thanks for your support! ★★★ Epic Quest Battlemaps Highly detailed animated battlemaps and cinematic videos for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and other roleplaying and tabletop games. Become my patron, get instant access to all my maps, and get new maps every month. ★★★ Maps for Dungeons & Dragons Animated Maps for D&D Fantasy Setting


Rob Leonard

Hi there, and happy holidays! I waited to download this set until part2 was ready. So I noticed both the 4K (mp4) and webm version of Mystwood Plaza have a grid on the animations. Can you please remove that and repost those 2 files?