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Hello everyone, in the past week or so few allies have given their feedback about Patreon as well as some worries and what not.

First thing first, the main reason why I am not offering Tiers that offer commissions (A drawing or something fixed (yet) is because I still need to figure out some stuff of this new life. To avoid ranting that much, let's say some plans haven't gone as expected. So I don't want to offer stuff that may cause me far more stress than needed.

Last month I offered giving everyone a chance to ask for a simple drawing instead of the pieces of the month. This may have caused some confusion as some may have thought I mean just a sketch/black and white (and TBH, that might be the case if the request had many details or characters)

BTW, These polls aren't meant to be done all the time, I'm mostly doing these to see how you feel overall, the tiers may not be too expensive, but in the end you are paying for a service.

Ok, First few examples of art quality:

Piece like this is smooth shaded and is meant to be the best quality I normally offer (Supposedly the type of quality I'm using for the pieces of the month most of the time)

This one is an example of cell shade, it's a bit more simple since I don't spend as much time on shades, I also may go for a more cartoonish style at times

And, there is the flat color:

Which also can be a bit more cartoonish and quick to do.

Pretty much lower than that are lineart which I don't have an example at hand and sketch, but those aren't meant to be offered here.

Also, for next month for the pieces of the month  I'm up to allow short comics being suggested, but the catch is that the comics are meant to be short like this comic, as well as flat color (and would have their fair share of limitations like amount of characters, it may have a variant (like final panel having another outfit or being full nudity)

SO, with that context out of the way, I want to ask again. Which of these would you prefer?

  • Keep things as they are: Each tier gets 2 smooth shaded images (or now the comic page) per month with 3-4 alts (for drawings)
  • Cell shade, same alts, more winners (3): Each tier gets 3 winners, but the pieces are cell shade, maybe a bit more cartoony and I'll try to keep 2-3 alts variants. For the comic likely only 1 winner can be a comic
  • Cell shade, less alts, more winners (4): Each tier gets 4 winners, Pieces remain cell shade, maybe cartoonish at times, pieces have main piece, and an alt (plus nudity for tier 3). For the comic likely only 1 winner can be a comic
  • Flat color 1 character for everyone: Pretty much try this next month has no voting, everyone can ask 1 flat color piece of 1 character and this one would be to tests the sands on how well it works (as long as patrons remain under 36-40)

If you have some other feedback, I'm up to listen.

And once again, thank you all for your support.


Mako Hayashi

At quick glance that sounds like aloooot of work you. Personally if you want to offer art like commissions or something similar I'd lock them to much higher tiers and with a limited number, (maybe $20 or something with a limit of two as an example) otherwise you will get stressed out very quickly. I know alot of people will not agree because hey free art, but I believe patreon is first and foremost support first.


This one is meant to be simple ideas of limited tier and just testing, when opening it as a commission option I do plan to limit the numbers, but I need to see how things work for me in which scenarios.