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1st of all, the burnout seems to not be as bad as I thought, however is best if I take few days for rest (likely involve playing games and/or drawing as well)

2nd For the time being (might change opinion during the day) I halted the payment for September (since I'm not sure if it's wise to take on the monthly pieces + comic of the month) I'm likely having more time around the half of the month, but I am taking preventive steps here.

(AND THE QUESTION) Related to it, does anyone knows if you will get notified for any content I post if I didn't charged for a month? (I do plan to keep drawing, but not sure if it's worth it/you will get notified)

3rd IRL has been quiet this week, the plan is that on the 8th, the project will be released/deployed in production. (And unless something happens in the immediate future, which is unlikely due all the tests that were made, be finally done) This project left me with some PSTD tho and I'll likely won't code for a good while (unless personal projects)

4th, I'll be visiting my dad from the 9th to the 13th of September, so I likely won't be very active on those dates.

5th, Lust potion is finally done (for the time being?)

  • I really hope you enjoyed the story. 
  • On a Related note, the intention of the story of the month is to try a small story (few pages) with certain fetish (Likely Shrinking, hypnosis and/or petrification/dollification)
  • I have a comic sketched (likely need to re-sketch) which is my plan of the next 3-4 months comics. however, plan to post 2 pages per month this time regardless the goal met (unless the Goal increases, in said case I would need to post to the content, again... quite unlikely
  • Might ask in the future if you have a particular base idea for me to draw, but will get into details on a later date.

Last, but not least, Thank you all, for your support and your kind words, Sadly I can't take "As much time as I need to heal" because capitalism, on the good side I'm kind of free from IRL work, so it won't be bothering me and I can focus more on art and commissions, but the stress frustration it built up for these past months doesn't leave me in the best conditions to start -w-'. I hope I can heal enough in these upcoming days.

Thanks again and hope you all have a nice day.



Good to see you finally finish up that work project ^^’

Drak Zul

To answer your question, even if you don't charge for the month anything you send out will go to us like normal. Take care of yourself.


Is not officially over, but it seems it wont be bothering for now, however, I remain wary because this project loves to fuck me mentally