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I sort of want to warn people about one of the scams being sent around

One I talked a while ago where a supposed friend in your group may ask you to download a file to try out his game and this being basically a virus.

The other one is more like a friend comes and tells you that the guy had issues with his account, got hacked and that "the hacker reported all his friend" and what not

They share an "email from Discord" saying the actions that are about to be taken

And likely will ask you to change your email or something.

Don't, this is another scam to get your account.

Remember, Most of these sites have a lot of servers and people working on it. if there is an issue with YOUR account, YOU should be receiving the mail from discord.

Here are a couple of examples from official mails from Discord and/or deviantArt

They are addressing other stuff (A survey or mention a reply on their support site or welcoming to their premium service, but the point stands)

Another thing from discord, I believe that if you were to be talked up with a rep, he/she/they should have some badge on their profiile that states their roles or stuff, someone important like a staff member Should have some important badge mentioning that, RIGHT?

(None of the above are staff, I just put to illustrate some stuff)

I'm not shaming anyone for falling into this, it could happen to anyone (overall if coming from a friend account and what not), Main reason I'm posting this is to raise awareness and help people not fall into these.

Last but not least I'll share a couple of scam/phishing mails I've received:

These are ones of the most "dumb" ones. and I point them due their obvious flaws. 

Remember people may have other information about you like Name and what not, so always be wary. Sites may be also be looking similar to the real deal, changing o with 0, I with l and so, so always try to double check. if you didn't order anything or don't recall the site, they shouldn't address it to you.

I've done my fair share of shopping online (And shipping as well)

These sites usually ask for your name, an address, a payment method (Be it paypal, credit card and what not) and the payment is usually processed in the spot (Unless it's some kickstarter which you will only be charged only if the project gets a minimum goal and what not.

And in exchange, they usually send you an order number via email, sometimes a tracking code.

If you were to receive one of these mails, they will likely address you by your full name, mention the order number, or give relevant information like "Check your payment method in the app/your account"

With all that said, I wish you a happy holidays and thanks for your support!



I need to stress this enough of be careful because losing your account and money is horrible. I’m a recent victim and trying my best to regain access but responses from Discord Support is painfully slow while the hacker is using my account to screw over unfortunate people in my friend lists.