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There can't be a month without at least some sketches!
Less this month because of my vacation and then also break month for the octolord tier, but still had some sketch commissions pending, so here, catching up and trying to be prepared for December~!

- Lina Inverse (Slayers)
- Riley (Valkyria Chronicles) giantess scenario, a popular one
- Aria (my OC) victim yet again?! is the kidnapping just a bad dream or..?
- Aria, Kaz (my OCs), Erik (OC) getting to know this mysterious crusader guy, Kaz wants to see under the helmet.

Hope you like~!



Jack Hallows

Aria falsely is the best

Not Cuddles

Great job, I hope to get a chance to get a sketch request soon too 🫶

Death of Ink

Kaz always getting up in other people's business and getting herself and Aria in trouble.


Ladies, gentlemen, and those inbetween or neither, we have some kidnappers to introduce to a world of hurt (unless it’s a dream, then we have an Aria to comfort)


Why does the third sketch look like a panel from a Danganronpa closing argument comic? 😕