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Good day~!
Don't mind me here I'll just leave this here, a couple sketch requests I got for now~ A couple quick ones before I move onto the next ones!
There's many people who still haven't told me their request, but it's cool~! Whenever you're ready just lemme know : D no rush!
Hope you like these for now!
- Assassin elf girl fanservice
- Parasoul playing chess
- Midna (as Link) chasing a cucco
- Kaz wearing a scuba/diver suit

Thanks again ´ w´ )7




Ahhhhh Aleece is so adorbs here thanks! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3


Ehehe, Kaz looks so amazing in a diving suit, just like I imagined. Too bad she is not enjoying that at all. -w-

The Lord Plays

Idk i feel like we shoudl; thank you :P good stuff as usual ^^


O your the one with all the diving requests? You must really like diving , they are pretty neat requests.