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Our investigators realize their role in the private screening is more than they bargained for. (Part 4 of 4)

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This series is not suitable for listeners under the age of 18 and may contain material some people find disturbing.


Body Horror, Bugs/Insects, Fire, Gore, Profanity, Violence

Patreon suggestions used in the game:

City of film festival

Chapel Hill, NC: Elliott James

Real horror movie to include

Carnival of Souls: Dusty Dean

From Beyond: Cardinal Catastrophe

The Thing: Deanna B

The Fly: Mika S.

Made-up horror movie to include

Attack of the Killer Leeks: Alisa

The Gallbladder Slayer: Cardinal Catastrophe

Bride of the Teenage Dirt Bike Zombie: Thursday

Swallowing Cosmic: DrOccult

Demdyke Fen: Elliott James

Cosplay characters

The Toxic Avenger: Dusty Dean, Tahalanan

Christopher Lee's Dracula: Thursday

Godzilla: Vovina

Player Characters

Ross Bryant as Keeper of Arcane Lore

Nic Rosenberg as Darlene Edwards

Scott Dorward as Gary Kaplan

Mary Lou as Samantha Day

Corbin Cupp as Mel McCoy

Production and Creative

Edited by Scott Dorward and cuppycup

Patreon Shoutout

Althalos, Anthony D., Bridget, Caolán M., Drew M., E.M.F.D., Heather P., India thank you terror, Killius Manjaro, Matthew C., Not That Nic, Skip M., Call Me Dirt, Dan F., firecop890, Jeff F., Jessen, Mario S., Michael H., mmm0rphine, Nathanael C., Tomboi LaCroix

New Patrons

Christina F., Svein



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