The Bordello: Calarel (Patreon)
Finally, it is done.
There's a lot to say about this one, so I definitely want to save some of that for a recap post. For REAL this time. This project kicked my ass in a number of ways, in a way that most long projects do. But just like the space race, all of the time invested in overcoming these challenges pays off in learning new skills, tech, and methods.
If I hadn't just worked on it on the side most of the time then it probably would have been done a lot sooner, but it was at least nice to have some variety in the mean time. Getting better with cycles, simulation, and environmental design was the main focus for this project, so anything that gave me a break from that stuff was nice. Hell, even small challenging projects can be orders of magnitude less stressful just because there aren't as many rippling effects like continuity to worry about.
Anyways, I've held onto this one for far too long, so it's time to set it free.