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Ahoy hoy!
This nice deer lady here is Brynhildr, and she's another character from our upcomic webcomic.
This set contains her default outfit, a nude version, and a lingerie version, as well as a couple expressions.





This has probably been asked before (but I can't find the answer however much I tried to find an answer!), but will the new webcomic be NSFW like Deathblight, or SFW like Red? If it's NSFW will it have the same set-up with NSFW/SFW content as Deathblight, or will it change it up? Looking forwards to it anyhow!


Hi there^^ Since we are planning to release the new webcomic on Webtoon and Tapas, this one needs to be SFW like Red was. Of course we are still planning to release NSFW art, but the comic itself will be SFW due to the websites rules.


Ah, too bad What excites me the most about Deathblight is to see how fights turn out, if they become lewd or not, for example with the current Ferania vs Gladius fight we cut away from haha


happy to hear you enjoy them^^ (no spoilers for the Gladius ferania fight tho ;D) but yee, it's pretty unfortunate how limited the options for NSFW comics are, and after the NSFW purge that Patreon had us do on our Patreon here, we figured it may be safer for us to branch out into the SFW sector a bit more, just in case NSFW gets shut down completely like it did with Tumblr a couple years back. Basically as a safety meassure to ensure we don't end up losing all our income.