Conf. Call - 5/24 (Patreon)
A bunch of stuff went up since [the last Conf. Call] and there is more to come this week! If you missed it, we had a story about [A Dark Elf on a Pilgrimage], [A Woman Becoming a Drider], and [Some Penis Expansion Shenanigans].
Getting started on the first half of a two part story next and then of course there is [the to do list].
Patreon Stuff
There is new [$1+ poll to determine the fantasy race] of a character in an upcoming flash fiction piece. It closes about this time tomorrow, at which point I will have another poll to post. The direction of the next on-going segment has been decided, so expect that soon if you are $5+ patron.
I also want to shout out to two new patrons, both of whom I owe a story to this month. At this point we are $164 out of $200 to reach the first art budget milestone.
Looking for a story of mine? | Want to support me in some way?