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Guys here is a version of The Reverse Flash for the new DCU played by Antony Starr! With togglable lenses, and emissive eyes!


1. Install ped using JulioNIB's ped tool : https://www.patreon.com/posts/add-peds-oiv-35298524 by putting "Reverse_Flash_DCU_TDK addonPack.oiv" into OpenIV.

2. Install "suit_Reverse_Flash_DCU_dreadnot.ini" in "Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Scripts\The Flash FIles\Suits"

3. Guys to toggle his glowing parts and lense use menyoo : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/menyoo-pc-sp

task_000 to task_001 too toggle off glowing eyes! (task/accessories category)

feet_000 to feet_001 to toggle off lenses! (Shoes category)

Use this video for reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS6qHtqtEAk

DOWNLOAD : https://thedarthknight8.com/2023/04/12/reverse-flash-dcu-antony-starr-4k/ 



Hybrid9898 Hh

i have a question can you make a shin godzilla ped for the julio nib godzilla mod?

Michael Lam

Hi, I got followed every step you tell but it show error in the game