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It's rare to see Alex in the ler role, but she's got years of experience being on the other end, so she knows just what tickles best~



Joshua The Lewd Clown

That is the hottest page I like so far. Alex really does like to have fun with Carol.

matthew moore

Oh boy. Alex is on her villain arc lets hope she’s extra wicked 😈😈😈

Adam Bichr

Sexy tickling in the second panel


The verbal teasing is great work!! Awesome as always


All I can imagine is Alex in her head thinking "Hell yeah, I'm so awesome, I'm so good at this, hell yeah, dawg >:3..." Even as a dom she's still just a little dork.


Somewhere Rhea is beaming with pride and doesn't know why. Also Alex's shirt size likes to change 😁

Hairless Chris

Oh goody goody! 👏🏻 Long milf soles!


Oh Alex is enjoying every bit of this. 😈 And so are we. 😆