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Those Haunters are really good at making people laugh (hey, when it comes to a grump like Sabrina, sometimes ya gotta play dirty)

But wait, this isn't Jessie!

So Jessie won the original poll. I went back and forth on this, but, in light of recent, unfortunate events, I figured it would be best to shelf Jessie. At least for the moment. I'll definitely draw her at some point, I owe you guys that. But, for now, I hope you enjoy a happy Sabrina!

(Also I drew her in her Team Rocket outfit from the 90s manga bc that's my personal favorite)




Good call nerd, and this is wonderful as it is 💕

Zachary Watson

I respect the hell out of your reasoning.

Man of madness

Lick can paralyze already. The fact haunter holding her foot in place is just a no escape situation. 😜