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Only four pages left to go (I actually planned it out this time)! Can Maxie last that long? A better question - will she have a choice?




Loving this section of plates of the comic. But she is right though since she is SO ticklish how she manages to be top boss 😂. Too bad only 4 more left loving this series and characters! Wonder if her “friends” might find her since a “live feed”. Or a revenge attack 🤔

Peter Griffen

This is such a hot comic


I am curious (unless I missed them) do the Furries have names? The leader? Bear claw? Blonde rabbit?


They do! I had them in their wanted poster on the cover to the comic, but: the fox is Scarlet, the rabbit is Hopper, and the bear is Honey B.


Ohh crap I’m sorry!! I missed that!! Very cool names!! Thanks for responding back.


I did go back and I. The distance. But I’m sure is hard comment on EVERYTHING 😂