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With Paypal's new currency conversion rate I have updated the tiers on Patreon so I don't get nailed with conversion fees at Payout. Please take a look at your tier, all the currencies have been updated to equivalent Canadian amount with the difference of about 10-20 cents to round off the tier. Feel free to leave or move tiers before the new pay cycle if you are unhappy with these changes, I'm just tired of Paypal skimming with their conversion fees!

The following tiers have been updated:

Cheep Cheep I'm a peep!: 2$ USD > 2.75$ CAD

Peeper: 5$ USD > 6.75$ CAD

Peep Supreme: 10$ USD > 13.50$ CAD

Magestic Birb: 20$ USD > 26.50$ CAD

Knite-Pecker: 30$ USD > 40$ CAD

Best Boi: 500$ USD > 662$ CAD


João Lacerda

I am going to try out the next month before I decide if I stay or not, maybe the brazilian real to Canadian dolar rates are better than the american dopar ones


Totally understandable and thank you for supporting so far!

João Lacerda

good, news: the Canadian dollar is cheaper, so I can keep with my support, but you are still charging in American dollar, at least that is what my computer is saying