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Finished Rias and oh my gosh - I love the drawing! I tried to shade a bit different and used some other tones for the skin and it turned out great! I hope you like it as well!

I added the finished drawing and the additional versions to the folder of March! There are 6 variations in total (for tier3+), please enjoy! ^-^ 

And thank you all so much for your support!




Beautiful! Will there be wallpapers for her and Alice later on?


Thank you! Yeah, gonna add them in the next days, just a bit busy atm^^;

Jeremy Soto

Sevie you gave us 9 AMAZING drawings this month 😱, you do just as much for us as we do for you so in return THANK YOU FOR A MONTH OF AMAZING CONTENT!


so goddamn good ^^ love her

Frank Leo

Thank You


OMG she looks like my unrequited platonic eros love ever!! ✨😍💕 You're unique making hentai stuff and doing it still looking really cute, even in fairly committed positions 😏🔥, nice job Sevie!! 👍😆


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