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To say that there was a consensus for the mutual gain struggles of option 5 would be an understatement, since it gathered almost half of all votes, more than enough for this scene to be the one that will receive the full drawing! The second place and its sketch goes to the measuring/weighing/teasing triad, a good classic. Both drawing are scheduled for April 7th.

Full results:

  • 5 - Characters in a mutual gain relationship, but the smaller struggles to gain because she cares for the bigger one [5%][+10] - 513 votes (49,7%)
  • 4 - Characters measuring and weighing themselves, with the bigger character teasing the smaller character for her size - 180 votes (17,4%)
  • 7 - Characters eating piles of food, with the bigger character (eating a bigger pile) teasing the smaller character for her size - 113 votes (10,9%)
  • 1 - Characters heading for locker room showers, one after light exercise (walking), the other because she needs 2-3 showerheads at once - 84 votes (8,1%)
  • 2 - Characters diving at a public pool, creating bigger splashes the fatter they are, on unsuspecting people - 58 votes (5,6%)
  • 6 - Characters eating together at a pizzeria, pointing out what they have in common [5%][+10] - 47 votes (4,6%)
  • 3 - Fashion comparison of a smaller character boasting about body positivity and bigger fashionista character who doesn't care about it - 37 votes (3,6%)


Zelo Blake

new OCs or existing characters?


Both! The winning pic will have the ushi girl from Page 402 ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/log-myu-page-402-87789713 ) and a new character. The second place will have the ultrastar girl ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/ultrastar-46380154 ) and the pear-shaped red haired girl( https://www.patreon.com/posts/pear-90160177 https://www.patreon.com/posts/pear-pearer-89421372 ).