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[CW: Implied digestion, bones]

This was another fun one! Cappu is a cute coffee sheep that wanted to have a date night with Fomo, and have it end the typical way: melting down in mouse guts. X3 He seems quite pleased with how things progressed though, so it's all good I'm sure. <3

More blushing skulls!  And mouse butt, haha. I wanted to try out a slightly different spot pattern for Fomo, I'll try another one next time, but basically it'd accent his hips more than on his rump directly, since I've always felt like the spots weren't the best where they showed up before...Basically, the spots will be more on his hips instead, if that makes sense. I'll show it better next time!

Cappu (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/capputhesheep



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