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CW: Bones/skull in second picture!

This was an idea I had a while back, when discussing drawing human characters in things with someone and noting how they felt a lot of people didn't like doing so.  Here's my original tweets musing on this:

"I know a lot of people don't like humans in stuff, 'cause they think they're boring or what-have-you...But! I had an idea.  Cause I've been thinking about face masks, what about one that wears a face mask that matches the animal they want to be seen as?
 It could even be a cartoony thing, where the expression changes between scenes! Smiling, grumpy, sad, etc.  Yes, a little like that one scene from that K/DA League of Legends video, with the dragon face mask. I thought it was a cool idea!"

Now, I know I suck at design elements, and making a kabuki-style mask or something similiar is pretty tough when you only have the lower half of the face to play around with...But Ceonn let me try it out with him! I'm very clearly still trying to figure out the mask portion... XD

So, here's Joe, a cute guy with an affinity for bunnies that's apparently convincing enough to even fool a wuff's stomach. X3 He's gonna be in a few more things I'll post up later, been having fun playing around with him. He's also somehow friends with Alice, but more on that later.

Joe (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ceonn or https://www.furaffinity.net/user/viliam



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