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CW: Generic Canine #22 gets ate D:

I should explain! I'm helping raise some funds for a few friends, so I've been dabbling in taking commissions! I originally wanted to take a few more of the Fo-February commissions, but realized that because submissions for the form are closed, people cannot view their previously submitted ideas! So instead, I'm just taking similar ideas from Patrons on my Discord server and working on those instead. This is just a test! I'll likely take actual, wider commissions later.

Mo' Fo' May = More For(est) May (yes, that makes sense)


Fomo doesn't get to hang out with fellow preds too often, but here he's spending some time with Skelly! Who proceeds to ruin their lunch plans. X3 Hey, sometimes you see a cutie and just have to go for them! Completely understandable.

I need to get back into putting partial backgrounds in like this, it really helps add to a piece for some framing to exist; you can only eat so many people in a stark white void before you start craving atmosphere more than food...

Yes, that's a Spongebob reference. X3

Skelly Bunns (c) themselves



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