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I am going to be on partial hiatus during the month of April. Don't worry - I'm not abandoning you! But between various other professional and family obligations, and my need to take a break, I decided that I should dial down my activity for a month.

What does this mean? 

Well, most importantly, existing Patrons will not be charged for the April payment cycle. That seems only fair - since I won't be posting at the usual rate, you shouldn't have to pay. But I will be making a few posts all the same, a couple updates to the ongoing stories as well as some other things I've wanted to put up here but haven't had time. So you can still expect a bit of new content, and it will be effectively free for existing Patrons.

I look forward to returning to regular action in May, refreshed and recharged from my break.

Thank you all so much for your support, and I'll be back with you soon!

- JJ




Have a nice spring break


The biggest danger to us fans it that you let it become a job and burn out. So long as you are having fun we will get great content.


Take care ans recharge :) lso stay safe