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So, this is a silly idea that I've had knocking around for a little while, and decided to finally give it a go. Just a silly little ol tongue tf. And COULD Fenris have just used magic to tf this pal of his into his new thicker longer tongue? Sure he could have. But variety is the spice of life. And honestly, if you're gonna be making a new tongue, might as well get it all wet in advance anyways. Makes for a better experience :P.




AAAA Tongue TF is so hot~~!! 8D And the immediate flirting with the BF via texted photos = nice


Hahaha, yeah, couldn't resist. I do like to tell a little bit of story along the way. Leave enough vague, or "fill in the blanks" but also give enough to make for some fun ideas ^^. And this was a fun idea to me.

Geo Holms

Gosh, you have a way of playing out these sorts of TF I'd never really considered in the coolest ways. And the additional implications painted via the texts are brilliant.

Crimson the Braixen

Oh I absolutely adore this, tongue TF is so rare this might actually be my all-time favorite owo