PINBALL - Sketches (Patreon)
Hello hello my Darlings!
Oh how excited I am!
I was invited to participate in another Sensual (Gay) Art Book!
The idea is for each artist to portray some Day-by-Day scene involving gay characters.
So the scene I thought was of a couple dating while playing a Pinball machine in an Arcade.
And here I share with you the original Sketches and also the LineArt that I did.
The book, although sensual, cannot contain any explicit images.
So for the book I will only make the romantic and very Safe for Work version.
But... as you can see here, there is a second version that is somewhat bolder.
And this one my dears, I'm making it especially for You!
When the book is officially announced, I'll let you know here.
And once the book is out, then I'll share the Art (in both versions) for you here.
Hope you like Sketches. ✨
See you soon!