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Ah! This playing time on this float seems to be very wet and enjoyable!

To celebrate the MerMay here I bring you another remake!
A much more detailed version of one of the illustrations I did in the "one art a day" challenge in the past MerMay - in this case, one I created on the 7th day last year called Ravenous https://www.patreon.com/posts/07-ravenous-51032149

Now WOW!! This was a Lot of Work! hehehe But here it is!
And I can tell you, I made it with lots of love and a lot of naughtiness too hehehe

I hope you enjoy this my Dears
And may this inspires you to enjoy your swimming time

P.S.: Originally I was going to remake the Oceanus artwork I did last year. (this one https://www.patreon.com/posts/16-oceanus-51389715 )
However, I ended up making Ravenous, due to this one of the public favorites (considering the amount of likes and inboxes I received).
But I still got the question: would you like me to do a remake of Oceanus too?



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