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Remy also came to participate in the Baseball game.
He's a great Pitcher you know... and they say his balls are really hot and hard to handle.

Are you ready to play with him?

I hope you enjoy this piece my dears ✨

P.S.: Please remember my Dears. The uncensored arts are exclusive content here on my Patreon, so I ask you to please do not post the explicit versions anywhere without my permission and/or release. Thank you for your Understanding and your Trust.



Michael D

LOVE the cock ring on sexy Gambit.


AH! I'm very Glad with your please and appreciation my Dear Micheal! Thank You! 💜♠⚾


agreed. I was pleased and not surprised that gambit would have on a cock ring lol

Ádám Kovács

Ohh hot balls! Now we're talking ;)

JB Uchoa

The balls is on fire

Jarrad George

Looks like Remy has a nice baseball bat as well 😁🍆😍


It did not disappoint...

Crimson Twin

SO hot. If there was an X-Man forever hard and not needing a cocking, it's Gambit haha. Stunning art.


The Balls and even the Bat! Hehehe Espero que tenhas gostado Gurizão querido! Foi feito com muito carinho! 💜♠⚾


Ah! Right?! Balls and Bat for a whole game! Hahaha I'm so happy you liked Dear Jarrad! Thank you so Much! 💜♠⚾


Hahahahaha Yeah! I can Agree with that Dear Crimson! And Thank you so Much for your Appreciation my Darling! 💜♠⚾

Grayson Voyeur

great balls of fire indeed!


Oh....the social media watermarks really ruin it for me tbh. I get you want to protect your work but there is a more tasteful way of doing it than plastering 3 giant social media logos and handles in the middle of the art. I love your work, hope you reconsider this being the new standard for subscribers. Perhaps there is a non x-rated one that you ask subscribers to post (if they do) and the rest can have a more subtle tag at the bottom?

Fabio Catena

trampa MARAVILHOSO como sempre XD uma curiosidade: numas épocas passadas era obrigatório nas histórias dos X-Men, uma vez por ano, algumas páginas situadas em um jogo de baseball rs tem muitos artistas que fizeram várias situações maneiras Vc é foda Julio SZ

Hank McCoy

Not sure if I should make a fastball or a hardball joke :)


Aaaaaawww Fabitooooo! Obrigado demais por apreciares meu trabalho meu Queridoooo! 💜♠⚾ Bah! E eu não sabia dessa obrigatoriedade que eles tinham de representar os X-men jogando Baseball ao menos uma vez por ano! Mas nossa, fiquei tri feliz agora em saber dessa curiosdidade! Obrigado, Obrigado de Coração Fabito Meu Queridoooooo 💖


Hahahahaha Both can be quite amusing hehehe I hope that theses illustrations may pleased you my dear 💜♠⚾