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So again unfortunately I hadn’t another model drop our last minute 😓 

This has definitely made me want to make the switch to 2 models a month instead of 3 when I eventually add in another self portrait set. It sucks but it needs to be done I think because it has happened a few times now. I hope you guys understand! This probably will start around April/May 🤗🤗🤗

But! To make it up to you guys I’m releasing another set I did with twitching. A full nude nsfw that would normally be on the platinum tier, especially for you here in gold as a makeup reward! Hope you like it ;)




Bradley Russo

And yay... more good news. I’m sure the Twitching shoot will be a pure gem. 😍

Timothy Haynes

Well, you know I never complain about more self portrait shoots. That's basically 90% of why i pledged