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Had so much fun shooting yesterday and being cheeky in front of the camera it’s made me miss my nsfw Snapchat I used to have last year. I’ve had a few people message me and ask if ifs coming back and I’m thinking about it! 

Would you be interested if I did? I would probably make a new tier for it, around $75 or so (Also add in some goodies like Polaoirds or my gaming tag to play/hang out- you’ll also still get access to all previous tiers). How I used to run it was daily nsfw snaps (looord so much booty and twerking) 🍑🍑 and once a week I would put on a dress up show 😈 think I could have even more fun with it now adding cosplay into the mix! 

let me know your thoughts! 

Also on that note would you guys be interested in a monthly Q&A video??Would taken questions from you guys to talk about like my life, cosplay, what I enjoy, random things like that to connect more with you guys! Always looking to generate more content and keep it interesting here! 



Bradley Russo

And a Q&A vid would be neat. I’ve often so many questions about the processes you undertake with the photographic work. Go for it! 👍

Timothy Haynes

I am absolutely, positively keen, yep, sign me up. I've missed it too, those snaps were oh so good before.