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Finally, the next version of SFPL is here!

Hope you enjoy this new chapter, and the inclusion of the new raccoon as species for the MC!

Also, I need to mention that this will be the last time you will be able to select the physique of the MC

After this update, your savefiles won't be compatibles with version 0.6 due the next change to the game, where the main character will be able to gain or lose weight as well as the other characters!

Download for Windows and Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cuw1eq72zg5tu49/SoftFantasiesPawvardLegacy-0.5-pc.zip/file

Download for ANDROID: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gpl5mmfgnsz66po/Soft+Fantasies+Pawvard+Legacy+0.5.apk/file






Consider me surprised. I thought you would hold onto the fact that only the characters would gain/lose weight. I hope this isn't creating too much of a workload for you Zuil.

Robin Flieher

everyone will become super obese now <3

Hidalgo Riveria

starting from the beginning I was able to get 3 separate characters to bump up at least one weight class, and one to bump up two, hehehehe. Also the male teacher with the purple background didn't get translated, I think it was a science/engineering focused playthrough?


from my experience. Nishky and Kev can go up two stages while Rashk, Moony, and Remmy can go up by one (nishky's first stage isn't very noticeable but it's there). Coops, Xavy, and Liam don't progress their weight.

Hidalgo Riveria

I meant it more in the sense I was able to get all those weight bumps in a single playthrough, but this is good to know, thanks!

Hidalgo Riveria

pretty much every interaction with the deer guy is another meal, so I'm betting he's going to get his wish by the end of the story and be the biggest

Robin Flieher

I‘d Love that, I Hope every character can become super obese, but I‘m going to fat up our deer friend especially


Can't wait for Liam to get fatter hehe >:3

James Labrafox

Let's talk about romance going forward. If there is someone specific the player wishes to romance, will their starting height, gender, affection levels, and both BMI levels determine the outcome?