Commission - MMA Shepard Interview (Patreon)
Galactic MMA magazine Sits Down With Commander Jane Shepard In The Interview of the Century!
You all wanted it; you all demanded it. Now Galactic MMA brings you an extract of the conversation we had with Commander Shepard during one of her 'down times'.
We caught up with her mid-training. She's in the octagon with 3 huge guys. Fighting all three guys at once. They are all nude and glistening with sweat and blood. Apart from the appalling speed and ferocity, the first thing you notice about Shepard is the total focus. She fights in almost total silence, broken only by grunts of exertion, solid blows of fist, knee or elbow on flesh. The three marines she's fighting must be from the same unit: they work well together with minimal hesitation or communication. Despite taking obvious blows, Shepard appears to be wining: the fight is short and brutal. Here she comes. After a drink and a quick towel off. She sits down on a ring-side stool across from me running a bruised hand through her short red hair. What a physique. She's in incredible shape, breathing deep but controlled. There are obvious bruises all over her body, a cut lip, what might become a black eye, a few scrapes on a leg and torso, a few other cuts, some blood, and not a few bloody hand prints.
Galactic MMA magazine: Commander Shepard, thank you for taking the time to speak to us: you are our fan's #1 request!
J. Shepard: well Tom, Galactic MMA IS my favourite magazine.
Galactic MMA magazine: the first thing I gotta ask: why nude?
J. Shepard: it helps with technique: there is no cheating of form. Sweat or oil makes for a good lubricant as well: an effective grapple or blow has to be clean and accurate. There is also nothing to soften a blow.
Galactic MMA magazine: Do you always fight in the nude?
J. Shepard: Oh no. Train like you fight. So we will fight in casual cloths as well as armour. But mostly in armour.
Galactic MMA magazine: Isn't fighting in the nude a distraction? I mean for the guys?
J. Shepard: They learn pretty quick. [an enigmatic smile] No, it helps with focus: anyone can be dangerous and you need to focus on the threat and potential threat. Distraction is death.
Galactic MMA magazine: And three guys. Three huge marines. Do you always fight three?
J. Shepard: Three is all that fits in the ring. [She smiles] Seriously though. It is good situational awareness training, and any more, they'd get in there own way. Besides, it makes the fight last longer. Unless I'm fighting with a Krogan. I only need one of them [again that smile. a bit mischievous with a glint in her eye]
Galactic MMA magazine: We saw you taking some blows but you didn't flinch. Where they pulling their punches?
J. Shepard: Oh no. The fight is full on "blood and bones". Well, we don't stop for blood as you can see. [she points to, and wipes off some blood trickling from a cut over an eye and the scrapes on her ribs]. You have to learn to take the blows, to work through the pain, the hit and any injury. Besides, you can't let your opponent know they've hit. If you shrug off their best blow, it can demoralize them for a fraction of a second. Focus on the goal. I'll be stiff tomorrow though.
Galactic MMA magazine: Are there ANY rules?
Femshep: We try not to do anything disabling, and no killing: we all have to work tomorrow after all. Accidents do happen, but the main reason is we're not training for submission, we're training to take out an enemy as fast as possible.
Galactic MMA magazine: I see four guys getting ready and putting pads on. What is next?
J. Shepard: The next session will be endurance, so the purpose is to land blows, take hits and keep going.
Galactic MMA magazine: You'll fight all four at once?
J. Shepard: Oh no, one at a time. There's four so they can spell each other off.
Galactic MMA magazine: [shock] How long will you fight?
J. Shepard: The rounds are 5 minutes long, then we take a break to clean up, assess injuries and technique. Besides, they need a break to recover. [she smiles]. Then perhaps 5-6 more rounds.
Galactic MMA magazine: Don't you get exhausted?
J. Shepard: Every time. Combat isn't just one fight with one opponent in a hallway. Endurance, both in fighting injured, as well as energy will keep you alive. You might not be in straight combat for several days, but the enemy never rests.
Galactic MMA magazine: For the rest of the amazing interview, more details on Shepards complete training schedule, fighting with biotics and some additional incredibly hot photos, please buy the current and next two editions of the magazine: the story is serialized over three editions.