Asarimaniac Aniversary! (Patreon)
Hey everyone!!! It's me again this post wasn't sheduled but I'm here just totell you we are having our Aniversay! It's 6 years since we started to create arts under asarimaniac name! We posted them in Deviantart first, then we mifrated to Tumblr because of changing DA policy rules, later we created this amaziing Patreon and recently we got twitter and pilowfort now we are pretty much everywhere and will bring you joy every possible way \ o / And for celebrating our Aniversary we bring you a comic we made some time ago being inspired by arts of wonderful 2DShepard with her permission, so it's here for you to enjoy! Anyway Happy Birtday to us and have a nice week!
And Thank you all for your support and love! It was amazing 6 years! Hope all future years will be same awesome!!!